
Kthehemi pas ne kohe dhe kujtojme pak femijerine tuaj. Cfare natyre keni qene si femije?
- Kam qene shume me ndryshe nga c’jam tani. Isha me agresive, nuk kisha deshire kur me perqafonin njerezit qe s’ishin familja ime dhe isha e pashoqerueshme. Ka aq shume dallim mes karakterit tim te atehershem dhe te tashem, saqe edhe vete shpeshhere befasohem.
A ziheshit me motrat? Me Adelinen per shembull jeni zene?
- Kur isha e vogel zihesha dhe ato gjithmone me toleronin shume, sepse isha me e vogla dhe tere fokusi ishte tek mua. Nganjehere Emen dhe Adelinen i rrihja, por ato s’ma merrnin per te keq dhe nuk ma kthenin doren. Adelina gjithmone ka qene shume e kujdesshme me mua, me donte pa mase dhe kujdesej per mua, po aq sa nena.
Po motra e vogel, Ema, e ka menduar ndonjehere perfshirjen ne muzike?
- Ema ne realitet nuk eshte me e vogla, ajo eshte pas Adelines. Me e vogla ne shtepi jam une. Ema ka kryer ciklin e ulet dhe te mesem per muzike, por nuk ka dashur te merret me muziken.
Cfare mbani mend nga periudha e gjimnazit?
- Pa dyshim, ka qene koha me e mire e jetes sime, kisha shume argetim dhe pak probleme. Ne fakt atehere, ngaqe isha adoleshente, nuk preokupohesha per asgje. Tere kohen isha me shoqet dhe kenaqeshim se bashku, mblidheshim dhe bisedonim, shikonim filma, dilnim, etj.
Cilat kane qene endrrat tuaja per te ardhmen (dikur) dhe, a i keni realizuar keto endrra?
- Kane qene ne pergjithesi ne lidhje me karrieren, qe tashme e kam, dhe mendoj se kam arritur me shume se c’kam pasur atehere deshire, sepse une gjithmone kam qene modeste dhe reale ne deshirat e mia.
Ju kane ngacmuar djemte ne ate kohe?
- Me ngacmonin djemte, por jo aq shume, sepse nuk isha e interesuar te kisha te dashur, isha e interesuar te shoqerohesha dhe te rrija me se shumti me shoqet. Kam pasur edhe shoke dhe te gjithe ata me donin si moter. Jam tip i shoqerueshem dhe nuk e mbaj veten si zemerthyese.
Kur e keni dhene puthjen e pare?
- Eshte pak personale kjo, ju tregoj heren tjeter.
Cfare notash merrnit zakonisht dhe cilen lende donit me shume?
- Kam qene nxenese e shkelqyer gjithmone. Lenda qe doja me shume ishte historia.
Po lenda e urryer? Keni marre ndonjehere 4?
- (Qesh) Matematiken nuk e dija e nuk e kuptoja dhe fillova ta urrej shume. Ne matematike gjithmone kam pasur noten 2 apo 3, dhe gjithmone kur kujtoj kohen e shkolles se mesme me kujtohet qe thoja: Matematika ma shkaterroi jeten!
Keni qene natyre rebele?
- Jo edhe aq. Edhe pse kisha disa momente kur edhe une nuk e njihja veten, dhe cuditesha se si kur dikush nga klasa fillonte te na organizonte te iknim te gjithe nga ora e mesimit, une i bashkengjitesha me shume vullnet.
C’marredhenie keni pasur me mesuesit?
- Marredhenie normale. Ndonjehere profesoresha e kimise me terhiqte verejtjen, sepse gjithmone ne oren e saj preferoja te flija gjume dhe keshtu ndodhte per jave me radhe, derisa vinte koha e fundit e semestrit dhe atehere behesha vajze e mire dhe me shume vemendje ne ore (qesh).
Po prinderit ju kane bertitur?
- Jo, sepse nuk beja probleme, nuk u kam dhene motiv te jene te ashper me mua. Nuk kam qene tip i tille qe ndjek party-t dhe nderron te dashurit.
Kush ju pyeste ne shtepi per mesimet?
- Me shume mesoja me shoqet, pastaj ato me pyesnin mua, une ato e keshtu.
Adelina, si motra e madhe, ju ka ndihmuar?
- Sa here qe i kam kerkuar ndihme, ajo ka qene aty per mua, per cfaredo qe te me nevojitej.
Adelina ne kohen kur ju keni qene gjimnaziste ka qene e famshme. Si ndiheshe per kete?
- Ndihesha mire edhe pse jo me ndonje ndjesi te re apo te cuditshme, sepse une kam qene shume e vogel kur ajo kishte fame dhe une jam rritur me famen e saj e jam mesuar me kete.
Je angazhuar ne aktivitetet artistike te shkolles?
- Kishte pak aktivitete ne ate kohe, por per aq pak sa ka pasur angazhohesha.
I ruani sot shoqerite e gjimnazit?
- Disa po e disa jo. Me kane humbur kontaktet me shumicen prej tyre.
Si e kujtoni vitin e katert?
- Viti i katert ishte atehere kur fillova te mendoj se sa shpejt kaluan vitet e bukura dhe te cmendura e me vinte keq pse rritemi aq shpejt, sa hap e mbyll syte. Fillova te mendoj se ne cilin fakultet dua te regjistrohem dhe nuk kam pushuar aspak. Menjehere pas matures kam vazhduar fakultetin si studente e rregullt.
Si e mbani mend mbremjen e matures?
- Ne mbremjen e matures kam shkuar me dy ore vonese, sepse ate dite une dhe Adelina kishim koncert ne stadiumin e Tetoves. Me ka ardhur shume keq qe kam shkuar e fundit dhe me kane ikur disa momente shume te mira, por ja qe me eshte dashur te sakrifikoj dicka edhe atehere per profesionin. /eraldo rexho/gazeta shqiptare/
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[[ translation by google:
Zanfina Ismaili: Adelina, as a mother to me at the time of high school
A special story from a particular character. Zanfina Ismaili Kosovo famous singer confesses in this supplement friendly conversation, her high school years. Çapkënllëqet of the beautiful memories and the scene, the relationship with her sisters and the material to life nxiu ...
Go back in time and remember your childhood a little. What kind you were a child?
- I have been very different from ç'jam now. I was more aggressive, did not like when people embrace my family and I s'ishin of pashoqërueshme. There is so much difference between my character and then present that even the often befasohem.
Does having fights with sisters? With Adelina for example you busy?
When I was little always argue and they tolerate me, because I was small and the whole focus was to me. Adelina's mother and sometimes beaten, but not you tell them to get worse and not turn my hand. Adele has always been very careful with me, loved me and cared immensely for me, as much as mothers.
If younger sister, Emma, has ever thought involvement in music?
Emma is actually smaller than it is after Adelina. Smaller than I'm home. Emma has performed the cycle of low and medium for music, but has not had to deal with the music.
What you remember from high school period?
- Without a doubt, has been the best time of my life, I had more fun and less trouble. In fact, then, since I was teenager, preokupohesha not for nothing. All the time I was with friends and enjoyment together, gather, and talked, watched movies, we went out, etc..
What were your dreams for the future (once) and he have realized these dreams?
- There were generally about careers, they already have, and I think I achieved more than I was then like, because I've always been modest and realistic in my wishes.
You guys are excited at the time?
- On harass boys, but not so much because I was not interested I loved, I was interested in hanging out and stayed mostly with friends. I have been friends and they all loved me like a sister. I am a sociable and do not keep yourself as heartbreaking.
When you give the first kiss?
- It is less personal, tell you next time.
What grades and usually get more like that subject?
- I was always an excellent student. Aspects like the story more.
If the foul matter? 4 Have you ever received?
- (Laughs) Mathematics did not know and did not understand and began to hate more. In mathematics, I always had grade 2 or 3, and always remember the time when high school I remember saying: Mathematics destroyed my life!
You have been rebellious nature?
- Not so. Even though I had some moments when I do not even know myself, and wonder how someone from the class began to organize to leave us all from the class, I will bashkëngjitesha more.
Ç'marrëdhënie have had with teachers?
- Normal relations. Sometimes the professor of chemistry attracted attention because its clock always prefer to sacrifice sleep and it did for weeks, until the time came last semester and then become a good girl and very carefully per hour (laughs).
If you have parents shouting?
- No, do not trouble, I have not given reason to be harsh with me. I've been following this type of party's, and loved ones change.
Who asked you at home for lessons?
- The more I learned with friends, then they ask me, so I they.
Adelina, as big sister, you helped?
- Every time I asked for help, she has been there for me whatever I needed.
Adele at the time when you were high school students has been popular. How I feel about this?
- I felt good though not with any sense of new or strange, because I was too small when she was famous and I grew up with her fame and am used to this.
You are engaged in artistic activities of the school?
- There was little activity at the time, but for as little as there was angazhohesha.
Save today gymnasium societies?
- Some are and some not. I have lost contact with most of them.
How do you remember the fourth year?
- The fourth year was when I began to think how fast the years went crazy and beautiful and I was sorry why we grow so fast as overnight. I began to think that what college I want to register and have not stopped at all. Immediately after graduation I continued faculty as a regular student.
Thank you for reading the article: » Zanfina Ismajli: Adelina si nena ime e dyte ne kohen e gjimnazit
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